Bradwell B holds its fifth Community Forum

Last week the Bradwell B project team held its Community Forum, providing community representatives with an update on the project.

The meeting took place remotely on Tuesday evening (17 May). The Community Forum aims to establish ongoing dialogue and discussion about the development of the project between the developer, and local communities and organisations with an interest in the development of Bradwell B. The Forum has been running since 2020 and is led by an independent Chair.

At the meeting members of the Forum heard an update on the Bradwell B project including information on feasibility studies, ground investigation works and oyster research.  The team also took the opportunity to discuss the recently published Energy Security Strategy.

Following this there was a presentation about the recently completed Generic Design Assessment of the UK HPR1000, the reactor technology proposed at Bradwell B. Members of the forum were given the opportunity to ask questions to Bradwell B’s team.

Bradwell B’s Senior Communications Manager, Olivia White commented: “Once again, we are grateful to the members of the Forum for giving up a part of their evening to attend. The Community Forum is one of the key ways we inform and listen to the community about the project. We hope that attendees found it useful, and there were certainly many questions for our presenters, which is exactly what we hoped it would achieve.”

Presentation slides from the meeting have been uploaded to the Bradwell B’s website . Notes from the meeting will be uploaded in due course.