Bradwell B updates community at latest Community Forum

This week the Bradwell B project team held its Community Forum, providing community representatives with an update on the project.

The meeting took place remotely on Tuesday evening (2nd November). It was the last of the year, following previous forums in March and June. The Community Forum aims to establish ongoing dialogue and discussion about the development of the Project between the developer, and local communities and organisations with an interest in the development of Bradwell B.

At the meeting members of the Forum heard an update on the Bradwell B project and Generic Design Assessment of the UK HPR1000, the reactor technology proposed at Bradwell B. The team also took the opportunity to discuss key news from the nuclear sector over the last year, including Government policy which has continued to endorse nuclear’s role in meeting net zero and decarbonising the electricity system by 2035.

The Forum then received a presentation about the socio-economic benefits and impacts, including input from the South East Local Enterprise Partnership, who are working with major projects across the region to understand skills and jobs issues and opportunities.

Bradwell B’s Senior Communications Manager, Olivia White commented: “The Community Forum is one of the key ways we inform and listen to the community about the project. We are grateful to the Forum members for giving up a part of their evening to attend. We hope that they found it useful and interesting. There were many questions for our presenters, which is exactly what we hoped it would achieve.

“In this meeting we were joined by the South East Local Enterprise Partnership, who work to drive growth and create jobs in the region. Bradwell B will create tens of thousands of jobs through construction. We will be working with local, regional and national organisations to understand how we can plan for this workforce and ensure we have the right skills, in the right place at the right time.”

Notes from the meeting, and presentations will be uploaded to Bradwell B’s website in the next few days.