Community Forum
What is the Community Forum?
The Bradwell B Community Forum has been established for ongoing dialogue and discussion about the development of the Project between the developer, and local communities and organisations with an interest in the development of Bradwell B. The Forum, which is independently chaired, will be a way to share and receive information throughout the planning, construction and operational phases of the new nuclear power station.
At the Forum’s meetings, Forum Members receive updates as the project progresses (which they can share with the communities they represent) and are able to ask questions of the developer, and feed back to the Forum about the proposals and on issues affecting these communities.
You can see the Forum’s Terms of Reference here.
Meeting Notes
1st meeting – 6th October 2020
2nd meeting – 3rd February 2021
Community Forum Presentation Slides
Environment Agency GDA Presentation Slides
3rd meeting – 22nd June 2021
4th meeting – 2nd November 2021
5th meeting – 17 May 2022
The Bradwell B Community Forum is made up from local community and special interest groups, business, elected representatives, and organisations which will play an important consultative role as the proposals for Bradwell B are developed.
The criteria on which the current membership has been invited is detailed in the Forum’s Terms of Reference. If an organisation wishes to come forward to join the Forum, they should contact the Forum’s Chair, explaining their interest in joining, and how they believe that they meet the criteria.
How does the Community Forum work?
The Community Forum is led by an independent Chair, who leads meetings and oversees the business of the Forum. Meetings are held several times a year and take place online. Agreed notes will be published on this page after each meeting.
Membership of the Community Forum is by invitation only. You can find out more background information, including the criteria for membership, by reading the Forum’s Terms of Reference here.
If you have any questions about the Community Forum please email the Forum secretary at .