Investigative works and survey update – July 2019

Beginning in 2018, the Bradwell B project team have been carrying out a series of surveys and investigative works with the aim of building our understanding of the area and to further develop our proposals. Over the coming month you may notice activity both on and offshore as we continue these investigative works.

On the Bradwell B site, a mast tower will be installed over the next two weeks. Once installed, service visits lasting half a day will be undertaken every three months. The mast will help inform our meteorological studies.

Offshore, a boat and a light hovercraft will be active on the Blackwater estuary in the coming weeks, in order to install sensors at several buoy sites and temperature sensors at a number of inter-tidal sites. We expect the buoy site work to take approximately five days, whilst the temperature sensors will be installed over three days. Service visits to both sets of sensors will be conducted 1, 3, 6 and 9 months after installation.

All of these surveys and investigations will help inform the impact assessment and design of the proposed power station. Once we have sufficient information, we will consult with the local community on our initial proposals.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact a member of the project team using the details below:

Freephone information line: 01621 451 451 Email: